Friday, August 15, 2014

4 faux pas you’re probably making when you wash your car

Using Dishwashing Soap.  If you’re constantly struggling with soap scum, take a closer look at the product you’re using!  Be done with Dawn and invest in soap meant for washing cars.

Using the Wrong Cloths. If it’s not microfiber, you’re doing it wrong.

Rolling Down Windows Before They’re Dry.  We’ve got two words for you: water spots.

Over-Washing Your Car.  Yes, there is such a thing.  If you care about preserving your paint job, don’t wash your vehicle obsessively.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Make sure you are a well-mannered motorist with these tips!

Hey, you! Don't be a bad driver! There are a few behaviors that are especially harmful, and we want you to break these bad habits now. It could save a life, or at the least, save someone from experiencing road rage.

Stop using your cell phone while you're driving - you got it, no texting or calling. If you absolutely have to make a phone call, at least invest in Bluetooth devices or put it on speaker so you have both hands on the wheel.

Stop cutting people off. You know that driver who cuts across four lanes of traffic because they almost missed their turn? Yeah, don't be that person. It puts others in danger and is bad for your car. Plan ahead! And don't always trust your GPS - those pesky last minute recalculations will get you. It's safer to simply turn around further up the road.

Don't tailgate! There should be ample space between you and the driver in front of you in the event that someone needs to make an emergency stop. No one likes getting rear ended.

Learn how to merge. Drivers who don't know how to merge into another lane smoothly cause some of the worst accidents and pile ups.